martes, 19 de octubre de 2010
.My cousins and I were at the park.
.I see the film ´coraline´ witn my family
.I am studing math.
.My mother, my brother and I went Bucaramanga granfather visit.
.Today my family and I went to Cafaba.
.My brother and I feed a stray cat.
.The quiz online English course my rating was 4.0.
.I learned do a butterfly in origami.
.My cousin Jarrett married Silvia.
.The marriage of my cousin was bored.
.In the course of English learn about profession.
.My cousin David Santiago is five months.
.In taller pedagógico I did a brasalet.
.I was studying and got my cousin Daniel.
.We have fun I and Daniel.
.My dad took me to eat ice cream.
.After going to eat ice cream took me to Carrefour.
.In my English rating was 5.0.
.I had a medical appantment and I am fine.
. Today I played with my cousins.
. On this day my class mate and I meet in the living room.
.The mother Sonia not go from at livie together grade 7º3.
.On the ride learned a lot abaut sex with the teacher Beatriz and Sandra.
.With my friends we had a shared.
.Some friend went on the polay of the walk for the forest.
.In school I was jean day.
.I had tow exams in Lengua castellana and I did well.
.Today I met witn my friends at rest and hold a speaking.
.My aunt Leidy came with her son and David Santiago.
.My aunt Liliana came with my cousin María José of Bucaramanga.
.I am first the Eucharist my cousin and fumy.
.I go up the dance in feast.
.I was dance my cousin diego small disco.
.Every body my cousin and I were, ice-cream, cake and sweet.
.I and cousins are Basketball.
.Yes terday I saw a lizard.
.My uncle, my aunt, my granmother and my cousins came to my house.
.I played with my cousins to many things.
.I saw pictures of my cousins first communion.
.Com toys my dogs and my cousin dog.
.I saw a special on the discovery H1N1.
.I had a math assessmant.
.My mom and I went to walk and we meet someone we saw not long a go.
.My aunt and my uncle took me to Yondo and had a great time.
.I send my doy to the hairdresser for being fumy mustache.
10 DAY
.My mom and I went to trade and we are at my aunt Diana.
.On this day was studying Lengua Castella.
.We get to walk my dog and go tired fast so chubby.
.My brother was accepted in to university to study electronic engineery.
.School are learning to dace Joropo.
11 DAY
.In my neigh borhood, good neighbors moved.
.In the afternoon we went with my family to the mal carrefoul.
.I saw the new home of my aunt Silda.
.My uncles bought a big White 4 por 4 truck.
.I am glad to knaw that thirty three from Chile miners arealive.
12 DAY
.I saw to very nice puppies beutiful.
. Mom of pippies is a bitch street.
.Soon I will finish the English course Virtual.
.Recover the class of music that I lost in the second period.
.I did a math test and my grade was 4.5.
13 DAY
. ON this day visit my aunt Yomaris.
.Today I did a job online English course.
.Markets today in the succes winth my mom.
.Today I played with my cousins caught.
.I saw on tv on a special animal advocates.
14 Day
.Whote family went to eat ice-cream.
.I am sad because my aunt got sick Nancy.
.I saw a special on how to protect.
.I saw a puppy being born.
.My family and I went to eat pizza.
15 DAY
.Help decoratte the party of my cousin.
.The English teacher taught us a song.
.With my cousins went to the park.
.Ate ice-cream with my cousins.
.Help my mother to work in foamy.
domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010
Su número atomico 19 es
Si eres tan capaz
Tu siempre te lo sabras.
2.Yo tengo un amigo
Llamado Potasio
Que el es amigo
De tu amigo el Calcio.
3.Su masa atómica 39 es
Si te aprendes
La tabla periódica
Te la sabras muy bien.
4.Su densidad 0,86 es
Si te ayudo a estudiar
En la evaluacion
Vas a estar en el primer lugar.
5.Con todo lo que tú
Has podido leer
Acuerdate que en la tabla periódica
El Potasio es.
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010
domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010
Una amistad es el sentimiento más bello que le pueda pasar a una persona, un amigo es la persona con la que una puedes contar en los momentos malos y los buenos, eso se considera una gran amistad.
Un amigo nunca te vende pero si te comprende, un amigo no espera nada cambio al dar algo eso es una bellisima amistad, todos los seres vivos tenemos amigos que no se te olvide.
miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010
Nuestra Amistad
martes, 17 de agosto de 2010
viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010
sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010
ventajas y desventajas del internet
.Podemos investigar tareas u otras curiosidades. .Vuelve rebeldes a los jóvenes.
.Podemos interatuar con otras culturas. . Pueda ser mal utilizada para a ser daño.
.Aprendemos a manejar un medio de comnicación. .Nos quita tiempo.
.Podemos aprender otros idiomas. .Nos muestra cosas indevidas.